New Online Exhibition!

As the momentous centennial year draws to a close, the University Archives would like to share one final piece of University history. Before you leave for break, take a moment to check out our newest online exhibition, all about the history of the campus we call home.

The direct link to the exhibition is You can also find it on the University Archives website, where you’ll find links to all past exhibitions as well.

Happy holidays, and a happy new year to all!

Bring Back the Snow Sculptures!

With all the snow on the ground, we can’t help but share the photos of the epic snow sculptures that were built on campus during the 1960s and 1970s. We’re always inspired to share these when the campus becomes a winter wonderland again, and we always make the plea to please bring this tradition back! If anyone out there is motivated to make a sculpture over the weekend, maybe your work of art will be featured by the archives in 50 years!

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